A Vista on Justice

A Vista on Justice

Never has any verdict been perfectly just! There is a reason for this universal observation.

A dictionary may define justice as a moral principle determining conduct. But is justice not that which delivers us from feeling violated? It’s a simple thing. But then, the sense of justice and violation varies from person to person. What one perceives as justice may be unjust to another, and what a person considers a violation may be justice to a different person. There comes the dilemma and perplexity of the trivial matter.

Justice is a very simple value if you think of it as a moral principle. We know that morals are the set of values and virtues that make human life on Earth easier and free from friction. As long as minds are free of conflict the arenas of possibilities for them keep expanding. As a result, the souls move closer to liberation and eternal joy. That is the importance of justice — it makes a person free. Because as long as the mind is not violated, the soul is free to fly.

When it comes to the heuristic and pragmatic practicability of justice, things change. Justice is no longer that superficial when it needs to be delivered to suit the collective sentiment of this big world.

We have always heard and wondered about the popular fable of “The Tortoise and the Hare”. The tortoise did win fair and square. Be that as it may, was it justice to the rabbit that was not competing for a while?

But then it was also not just to pit a tortoise, which is inherently incompetent for a running race, against a fast runner. These hypothetical arguments only arise if you give them thought from the perspective of the parties involved. Otherwise, a verdict can be passed from simply the social norms of justice.

In the same way, the tortoise did not consider the competition as an injustice, while another tortoise may have protested. So clearly, what a person considers a violation may not be a violation for another person under the same circumstances. So then, what comes under the definition of violation or injustice and also justice?

This question is what verdicts need to address; although fate fails to address this entirely.

Are we ultimately satisfied with the conclusion we derive each time we wonder, on some level, about justice? Will we ever find out how each of us can personally be righteous enough to be gentle and understanding towards every human being we cross paths with?

It would be great if at some point we could perfectly deduce what is justful towards one another. If so, this world would have been a so much better place to live, and for the generations to come. When every human being and the authorities get a grasp of ultimate justice, this world will start to run extremely smoothly, and then we will no longer need to struggle at any point in life. We will all live life smoothly and harmoniously, while we can also use our talents to the fullest and express our opinions righteously.
